What are AntiSweat Injections?
“As many as 3 in every 100 Australians have excessive sweating” (Healthdirect, 2019).
AntiSweat Injections can reduce your sweat by approximately 90%. This treatment when performed by a Dermatologist is covered under Medicare.
AntiSweat Injections involve using a neuromodulator to be injected just under the skin to block the message sent to a neurotransmitter that stimulates sweating.
What is involved in an AntiSweat Injection treatment?
Following a consultation with our Dermatologist, the area will be marked and cleaned. The treatment itself is very quick, the product will be injected into the armpit (axilla). On average (depending on the armpit size) there will be 10-20 injections. Upon insertion it may resemble a tiny sting. Skinfluence Clinic offers topical anaesthetic if required for pain relief.
Is this treatment covered by Medicare?
YES!!! As this treatment is performed by a Dermatologist, Medicare cover this treatment for eligible patients. Medicare deem this a medical treatment, therefore subsidise a portion of this treatment. Medicare require you to have trialled alluminium hexahydrate antiperspirants prior to antisweat injections.
Medicare cover three sessions per calendar year. These treatments must be spaced every four months. Medicare subsidise up to 200 units per session however many patients only require the 100 unit treatment.
Approximate out of pocket expenses are $300 for Medicare subsidised patients.
What is hyperhidrosis?
Hyperhidrosis is the medical terminology used to describe the medical condition involving excessive and uncontrollable sweating. Some people with hyperhidrosis experience sweating generally (all over the body) or focally (occurs in certain areas only).
Primary hyperhidrosis mostly starts in childhood or by adolescence. This type of hyperhidrosis if often hereditary and effects other members of the family. Secondary hyperhidrosis is less common and can occur at any age.
Results will last up to six months for many patients. Following an initial treatment patients report noticing results last for four months.
What causes sweating?
Sweating is the way the body tries to cool itself. For some patients this can be in excessive and cause hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). The nervous system is what controls your body to trigger sweating when your body temperature rises. You can also sweat when you become anxious or nervous. Primary hyperhidrosis is caused by the signals that trigger sweating to be overactive can cause your eccrine sweat glands to turn on. Secondary hyperhidrosis is caused by other conditions or factors; medical conditions or certain types of medication.
When will I notice results?
On average it will take 7-10 days to notice full results however many patients report noticing a reduction in their sweating after 2 days.
Results will last up to six months for many patients. Following an initial treatment patients report noticing results last for four months.
What can I experience following an AntiSweat Injection Treatment?
Following treatment with AntiSweat Injections you may experience:
- Redness
- Bruising
- Feeling tender
- Transient Swelling
These symptoms usually resolve quickly however can persist for up to 5 days following treatment.
How do AntiSweat Injections work?
Treatment is performed via a series of small injections under the arms directly into the sweating region. These work by blocking the message that our nerves send to trigger the sweat gland.
Post Treatment Cares:
We suggest avoiding activities that increase your sweating for 24 hours (exercise). Avoid applying antiperspirants for 12 hours following treatment as this can cause irritation to the area. Avoid touching, massaging or applying any pressure to the injected area for 4 hours following treatment.
Can AntiSweat Injections be used elsewhere?
Medicare only cover the treatment for axillary (underarm) hyperhidrosis.