What are QSwitch Lasers?
Q-Switched lasers are a special category of lasers that can deliver energy in extremely short bursts (within several billionths of a second).
As a result, this unique property makes it an ideal laser for treating pigment-related conditions such as freckles, sunspots, birthmarks or tattoos. The ultra-short bursts of energy delivered by the laser disrupt the pigment- containing cells within the skin, leading to fading and clearing of the treated area.

What can be treated with QSwitch Laser?
- Tattoo Removal
- Pigmentation such as; freckles, sunspots and brown spots
Birthmarks of various colors including brown, blue, grey and black (i.e. Café-au-lait spots, Nevus of Ota, Hori’s Nevus)
Skin rejuvenation to improve skin texture and tone
Collagen remodeling of acne scars
Laser skin toning to improve fine lines
What is involved in a QSwitch treatment?
For some QSwitch treatments, such as superficial pigment removal, when the laser fires it feels like a rubber band snapping against the skin. For other indications such as Dermal Toning/Skin Rejuvenation it can feel more like a prickly heat.
Treatment of deeper pigment found in birthmarks and tattoos may be slightly more uncomfortable and may require cream or injectable anaesthetic. If required, anaesthetic cream may be applied 30 minutes before the procedure. Protective eyewear is required and provided during the procedure to protect your eyes.
- Perform any pre-treatment preparations as discussed with your Skinfluencer.
- Strict sun protection should be adhered to for 2 weeks prior to treatment. This includes wearing a SPF 50+ daily and reapplying every 2 hours. Avoidance of tanning is also required, if a recent tan is noticed your appointment will be required to be rescheduled to ensure adequate healing and eliminate risks of complications post procedure.
- If you have ever experienced a cold sore you must discuss this with your Skinfluencer. This will ensure no infections with the cold sore virus occurs during the healing phase.
- No makeup should be worn on the treatment day, this includes eyebrow pencil or mascara.

Post treatment:
A mild warmth or sunburn sensation may be experienced following treatment. Cool compresses or thermal water spray may be used to alleviate discomfort.
Erythema will be experienced following treatment.
Swelling may be experienced. It is essential that whilst resting or sleeping that elevation is maintained at least 45degrees (two pillows).
For tattoo removal- small watery blisters may appear. Do not squeeze or pop them. Keep them covered and notify your practitioner.
Using makeup should be avoided for at least 1-2 days post treatment.